
The site you're looking at is pretty much closed down but the new site is just a click away.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Winter Trail Safety Workshop Video/Information Now Available (Video Fixed)

Oops, I just realized one of the workshop videos wasn't working.  The "share" settings have been changed and you should now be able to view both of them.  Sorry about the incovenience. Let me know if there are any other problems.  The info below is a re-post. 

I finally got the workshop video done and posted: CLICK HERE.

Sorry about the delay.  There were more technical problems than you want to know about.  Somehow

Sunday, December 15, 2013

IMPORTANT! A brand new resource for Pilot Butte.

Terry Cubero has started a new and important resource for Pilot Butte.  It's a "MeetUp Group" called Pilot Butte Movers & Shakers.  Find out about it by CLICKING HERE.

As you'll see, almost everyone who uses Pilot Butte State Park should join Terry's new group. It's completely free, takes all of about a minute to join, has no downside that I can see, and will keep you

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Trail Condition Updates Now Possible

We've added a new section where you can get the latest trail condition updates for Pilot Butte.  Look to the right of this post.  You don't have to have a twitter account to read the updates. Just check this website.

If you want to contribute updates, you'll need a twitter account.  The more people tweeting about the

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Blog Efficiency, A New Web Presence on the Horizon

I think I mentioned this a while back, but it never hurts to mention good news more than once.  The number of daily page views on this blog has been nothing short of amazing.  This trend will continue because we're working hard to get web information to you in even better ways.  For now, the timing couldn't be more perfect.  We always wanted a very efficient way to spread information.  Not only do we kind of have that in place, but all signs are pointing towards it getting even better as we move towards SMB 2014.

A lot of people have discovered how easy it is to receive new blog posts in your email box.  Look to

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Winter Workshop a Success

Let's just say it was a success on some levels.  We had office Christmas parties working against us big time.  When we opened the doors, the temperature was 14 degrees.  The dusting of snow didn't help.  And those weren't even our big problems.  I ended up taking on the first part of the presentation.  I used to do that sort of thing for a living.  I figured it would be like riding a bicycle.  You just get back

Monday, December 2, 2013

Workshop Update #3

It's supposed to be cold.  The roads and sidewalks might be a bit slick. The forecast for the entire month of December looks like it will continue to be cold.  Sounds like the perfect time for a winter trail safety workshop.  If only someone was having one ...  Oh yeah, we are.  We hope to see everyone there who can make it.  It should be a lot of fun.  If it's really cold, we'll try to have hot chocolate and