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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

WooHoo! 100 Summit Seekers

Sue Bastian just became the 100th Summit Seeker.  It's definitely hard to believe we hit 100 that fast. Back when we first came up with the idea, I can remember people telling me that no one would want to become a member.  Fortunately, many more believed they would. Boy were they right. One hundred members is significant for a lot of reasons including the fact that 100 is almost exactly the number needed to cover the early costs of SMB 2014.  I think we are there!  Future members will help with
the other expenses associated with SMB 2014, but the members to date have covered the early costs.  That, combined with the money we will raise from sales of the book, and a couple of other things we have planned, pretty much insures that SMB 2014 is going to happen.

This is an important day on Pilot Butte.  Years from now we'll remember it as the day when we knew SMB was here to stay.  That's my prediction at least.  Thanks to a lot of dedicated people, PBSS is already a very strong organization with a bright future ahead.  How could it not be with so many people supporting it?   And please remember what this is all about.  We raised about $3,400 for Pilot Butte in 2013.  Our projections for 2014 are that we will raise at least $10,000.  The numbers should keep increasing each year after that.

More important is the celebration that takes place each year at SMB.  We had nearly 400 participants celebrating in 2013.  Those numbers should  grow to more than 1,000 in 2014.  It will grow much bigger the following year.  But don't let those numbers concern you.  We're paying close attention to the overall quality of the event.  In fact, that is the most important thing.  If we do it right, and I know we will, the experience each year will greatly surpass previous years.  Its been an amazing journey so far and it only gets better as we move ahead!  It couldn't happen to a nicer group of people and a more amazing place than Pilot Butte.

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