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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Great news, the blog is working

Last year we were so extremely busy making sure the event was a success that we couldn't adequately respond to comments on the blog.  So we provided no way to comment.  When we created the new blog for SMB 2014 and beyond, the first thing we did was make it possible for people to make comments.  Then we crossed our fingers in the hope that people would.  If you have ever run a blog, you probably know how that feels.  The comments help you know that people are liking what you do
and, unfortunately, it sometimes can take a while before the comments start appearing.  Well, this past week I had about 20 hours of meetings trying to close the deal on an exciting project that I hope to tell you about really soon.  I've been working on this for over three months and I closed the deal.  I can hardly wait to tell you about it because I know a lot of people will be excited.  Anyway, while that was happening, we got some comments.  Is SMB/PBSS having a good week or what?

Now, I feel compelled to give people a heads up about what is about to happen.  Hopefully, everything runs smooth, but that doesn't always happen and, if things do get a bit rough now and then, it is a good thing and not a problem.  Think of these comments as a conversation.  Just like any conversation, someone might say the wrong thing or there might be a misinterpretation of something that is said.  That's easy to do in any conversation and it happens more easily when the conversation  is in writing.  And, just like it most often happens, the conversation itself usually takes care of these issues as long as the people involved are willing to give each other the benefit of the doubt.

As the blog author, I have a choice.  Some businesses and nonprofits will run all responses through committees and such trying to avoid making a mistake.  My preference is to just answer any questions and what-not as things come up.  Conversations don't work well if you feel the need to run everything you say through a committee first.  So please expect me to put my foot in my mouth on occasion. When I do, hopefully you will give me the benefit of the doubt and allow me to fix what I said.  I've even been known to admit when I am wrong.  Imagine that.  I've actually been told that I am almost too willing to do that. So everything should be fine

Btw, we have done what we can to troll-proof the this blog by having all comments moderated.  That just means that I look at the comments before they end up on the blog.  So as long as you aren't a troll, your comment will be posted.  It just doesn't happen immediately.

Happy trails,

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