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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The More the Merrier

I think most people familiar with Pilot Butte would agree that there is a lot that can be done to help it be all that it can be.  With that in mind, why would anyone want just one group of people doing what they can to help?  I think the Butte is best served when people keep the goal in mind.  If the goal is to help the Butte so that it is a better place for everyone who uses it, then there is plenty of opportunity for different groups and individuals to get involved.  That is what is happening on the Butte today.  It is also the way things have always happened on the Butte.  For example, while there were two organized
groups working on the Butte this past summer, there were other groups and people doing great things for the Butte as well.

Denny Sullivan single handedly obtained park approval to plant 100+ pines along the base of the Butte near the trailhead.  He then got free trees from the Forest Service and lined up about 15 volunteers to plant and care for all these trees.  The park bought him over 400 feet of garden hose to make the watering easier.  He also came to us with some needs and we were happy to help.  But make no mistake about it, this was his project and it wouldn't have happened had Denny not decided to do it.  Denny also did another huge project this past summer..  If you've notice the new birdhouses on the Butte, that is the start of an incredible multi-year project to bring bluebirds back to the Butte and Oregon as a whole.   Pretty amazing stuff when you think about it.

Meanwhile, John Kerstetter, fresh off his success in helping solve a huge trash problem on Pilot Butte, recently set his sights on the erosion problem.  This is a one man show right now, but it probably won't be that way for long.  John and Denny approach things in a completely different manner and yet both are successfully helping Pilot Butte in a major way.

The same is true for the organized groups: PBP and PBSS.  Different approaches will lead to more things being done to help the Butte as long as everyone stands behind them and they remained focused on their missions.  Great things are happening on the Butte these days.  If you've ever felt like the Butte was being neglected. right now isn't the time to feel that way.  When you start adding it all up, there are hundreds of people either doing things right now or planning to do so in the near future. Pilot Butte is fortunate to have so many people caring for it.

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