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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

SMB is alive and thriving

So your blogger ran off to Alaska for a much needed vacation and, while gone, I guess there were some rumors.  I'll deal with them in a minute.  First, I want you to know that Carol and I had a great time.  We lived in that rooftop tent for almost two months and are still married.  People tell us that is a testament to the type of marriage we have.  Truth is ... it is really a good tent.  Anyway, we had a great time until the national parks closed forcing us to come home a week or so earlier than we had planned.

One of the things that made the trip so enjoyable was the fact that the board of directors kept SMB moving forward the whole time.  Bob Baggett stepped in and took over my role.  Others worked on the much needed membership element, the paperwork for the nonprofit, and so on.  I kept in touch with everyone by email and phone. It all went well but we kind of dropped the ball when it came to keeping people informed about what was happening. Hence the rumors ...

I think the best way to address rumors is not to do so directly.  Sometimes you have too, but I am hoping that isn't the case here.  So I'll just tell you about what has been happening and trust that you will be able to connect the dots if you should hear some of the rumors.

Everyone I think understands what SMB started off to be.  We hold an event that celebrates the spirit of the people who use the trails on the Butte, that raises a bunch of money, and the money is used to improve Pilot Butte.  Sounds simple and it would be simple if SMB was only that.  But, as many people know, SMB quickly took on a life of its own and the reason it did is traceable directly back to that incredible spirit we were celebrating.  I've been fortunate in that I've had experiences with something like this twice before in my life.  So I knew what needed to be done.  Others who have been involved in this type of experience will tell you the same thing.  You get yourself out of the way and then follow what is happening while protecting it from people and processes that might get in the way and stop the momentum.  We did that and what emerged was an amazing organization that will do more for Pilot Butte than anybody, including us, ever dreamed possible.

You will be learning more about this organization in the coming months.  Our next newsletter will be published next month and that will be a good start.  Members will get it first and then it will be available here.  If you want the whole scoop, please consider becoming a member.  Your dues help us cover the cost of SMB 2014.  You also get some cool buttons, access to more information than you might ever want about what is happening, and easy ways to have a voice in the process.

Rumors have their place but, trust me, there is a better way to make things happen.  We don't yet have everything up and running, but we definitely have enough in place to address all concerns.  Please call me directly on the SMB phone if you have any concerns (541-306-8411).  You can also email me at bendSMB@gmail.com

All the best,

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